Empowering Women-Owned Businesses in Fulton County, GA: A Local Expert's Perspective

Fulton County, Georgia is home to a thriving community of women entrepreneurs. With a population of over one million people, Fulton County is the most populous county in the state of Georgia. And with a strong economy and a diverse business landscape, it's no surprise that women-owned businesses are on the rise in this county. As an expert in the local business community, I have seen firsthand the importance of women's rights in Fulton County. While we have made significant progress, there is still work to be done.

According to the U. S. Census Bureau, women-owned businesses make up 39% of all businesses in Fulton County. This is a significant increase from just 26% in 2007. However, these businesses still face challenges and barriers that their male counterparts do not. One of the biggest challenges for women-owned businesses is access to capital.

According to a study by the National Women's Business Council, women entrepreneurs receive only 4% of all small business loans. This can make it difficult for women to start or grow their businesses. Another challenge for women-owned businesses is access to resources and support. Many women entrepreneurs lack access to mentors, networking opportunities, and other resources that can help them succeed. This is where initiatives and programs in Fulton County come into play.

The Importance of Women's Rights in Fulton County

Women's rights have come a long way in Fulton County, but there is still work to be done.

Census Bureau, women-owned businesses make up 39% of all businesses in Fulton County. According to a study by the National Women's Business Council, women entrepreneurs receive only 4% of all small business loans. This is where initiatives and programs in Fulton County come into play.

Initiatives Supporting Women-Owned Businesses in Fulton County

Fulton County has several initiatives in place to support and empower women-owned businesses. These initiatives focus on providing resources, education, and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs.

1.Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative (WEI)

The Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative (WEI) was launched in 2015 by the City of Atlanta and Invest Atlanta.

This initiative provides resources and support for women entrepreneurs in the city, including access to mentors, networking events, and educational workshops. One of the key components of WEI is the Women's Entrepreneurship Accelerator, which offers a 15-week program for women entrepreneurs to develop their business plans and receive mentorship from successful business owners. The program also provides access to capital through a partnership with Kiva, a micro-lending platform.

2.Women's Business Enterprise Council South (WBEC South)

The Women's Business Enterprise Council South (WBEC South) is a non-profit organization that supports women-owned businesses in Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The organization offers certification for women-owned businesses, which can help them gain access to government contracts and corporate procurement opportunities. WBEC South also provides training and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs through events such as the Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) National Conference and Business Fair.

3.Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative at Georgia State University

The Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative at Georgia State University (WEI-GSU) is a program that provides education and resources for women entrepreneurs in Fulton County. The program offers workshops, seminars, and networking events to help women grow their businesses. WEI-GSU also has a mentorship program where successful business owners can provide guidance and support to aspiring women entrepreneurs.

The program also offers access to capital through partnerships with local banks and organizations.

The Impact of These Initiatives

The initiatives in place to support women-owned businesses in Fulton County have had a significant impact on the local economy. According to a report by the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), women-owned businesses in Georgia contribute over $50 billion to the state's economy and employ over 300,000 people. These initiatives have also helped to close the gender gap in entrepreneurship. According to the NAWBO report, Georgia ranks 5th in the nation for the number of women-owned businesses, with Fulton County being a major contributor to this ranking.


Women's rights in Fulton County, GA are being championed through initiatives and programs that support and empower women-owned businesses. These initiatives are not only helping women entrepreneurs succeed, but they are also making a significant impact on the local economy. As we continue to strive for gender equality, it is crucial that we support and uplift women-owned businesses.

By providing resources, education, and networking opportunities, we can help these businesses thrive and contribute to the growth of our communities.

Gwendolyn Steckler
Gwendolyn Steckler

Evil coffee lover. Proud web trailblazer. Award-winning communicator. Avid pop culture evangelist. Infuriatingly humble twitter guru.

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